Tunu's Collection

Tunu's Collection are items not listed for sale & part of a growing personal & sentimental collection that is part of Tunu's 52.

1952 Stock Car Racing Program (CNE)

An Official 1952 Exhibition Park Stock Car Racing Program, Toronto Ontario 

Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) 
An beautiful cover of an original 1952 stock car racing program from toronto exhibition park Scanned Image Of Original Found In Tunu's Collection 
An Original program brochure from the first ever season of stock car racing at the new race track at Toronto's Exhibition Park. 
In 1958 At Toronto's Exhibition Park Stock Car Racing event  Richard Petty; before he was the king, would compete in his first ever NASCAR race. Unfortunately not finishing the race after being wrecked. By his father! Lee Petty, who would go onto win the race. 

This is a unique piece of Canadian history, an original copy of this vintage racing program can be found on display as part of Tunu's 52 Collection

In 1952, the sport of organized Stock Car Racing in Canada was only 3 years old having been established in 1949 with the forming of the National Association For Stock Car Auto Racing, NASCAR.

Prior to that in the 30s and after the war stock car racing was unorganized chaos with acceptation to a few organizations such as AAA hosting a few successful events including the original Daytona Beach & Road stock car racing events. However prior to 1949 the majority of stock car racing was a very unprofessional sport.

By 1952 stock car racing was a thriving, thrilling, and exciting new sport with race tracks popping up all over the United States & Canada.

This is a look at a an original 1952 stock car Racing Program from the opening season of the Canadian National Exhibition, Exhibition park weekly stock car racing program. A new race track in Canada. 

A really unique piece I am happy to have because it ties both stock car racing & has a unique 1952 Pontiac Advertisement. 

To Learn More About This Item & Canadian Stock Car Racing History, Its Racetracks & Super Stars: Visit History & Stories: Vintage Memories 

Learn How You Can Help Preserve Canadian Stock Car Racing History 

 1952 Exhibition Park Stock Car Racing Program Cover

Prints Available Now: Perfect piece to fuel your passion, wall art, displays, conversation starters & other personal collections.

 Full Color - Professional Reproduction From Original 



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Tunu's Toys, Antiques & Collectables

Authentic, Original or Hand-crafted

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